Why You're More Likely to Suffer a Venomous Snakebite This Year Why You're More Likely to Suffer a Venomous Snakebite This Year One state should be more worried than others when the snakes are more active this year. Rob CarrollRob Carroll
If You Hear This Rattling Sound In Michigan Try To Remain CalmIf You Hear This Rattling Sound In Michigan Try To Remain CalmYour first reaction might be to freak-out and scream but you need to remain calm and follow these steps. Big Joe PeshBig Joe Pesh
Be Careful, These Things May Be Bringing Snakes Into Your Michigan HomeBe Careful, These Things May Be Bringing Snakes Into Your Michigan HomeTips to avoid bringing snakes close to your Michigan home. Cadillac JackCadillac Jack
Michigan Kayaker Stumbles Across Massive Water SnakeMichigan Kayaker Stumbles Across Massive Water SnakeResearch says that it isn't poisonous but that doesn't mean its size isn't intimidating.Erica GrayErica Gray
Here Are Michigan’s Most Dangerous & Deadly Insects & ReptilesHere Are Michigan’s Most Dangerous & Deadly Insects & ReptilesWe're not talking about stink bugs today, no matter how annoying they may be. I think it's time we discuss some of Michigan's more dangerous critters. Nathan VandenburgNathan Vandenburg
DNR: Be On The Lookout For Michigan’s ONLY RattlesnakeDNR: Be On The Lookout For Michigan’s ONLY RattlesnakeIt's kind of crazy to think here in Michigan we have a reptile such as the Easter Massauga Rattlesnake, even then, they aren't even the biggest snake we have in this state.Nathan VandenburgNathan Vandenburg
Doctor’s Pull 4 Foot Snake From Woman’s Throat [VIDEO]Doctor’s Pull 4 Foot Snake From Woman’s Throat [VIDEO]Don't sleep with your mouth open.Maggie MeadowsMaggie Meadows