Images of the Abandoned Sea World & Geauga Lake Park, OhioImages of the Abandoned Sea World & Geauga Lake Park, OhioSince the 1880s, this park was enjoyed by several generations. Then 120 years later, PFFTT! No more. Here are photos of how it looks today, deserted and crumbling...John RobinsonJohn Robinson
Cedar Point Rejects Multi-Billion Dollar Offer from Sea WorldCedar Point Rejects Multi-Billion Dollar Offer from Sea WorldLast week, Cedar Point's parent company, Cedar Fair, rejected a $3.4 billion offer from Sea World.Scott WintersScott Winters
Could Michigan’s Adventure and Cedar Point Become the next Sea World?Could Michigan’s Adventure and Cedar Point Become the next Sea World?Could Michigan's Adventure and Cedar Point Become the next Sea World?Andy RentAndy Rent