7 Recent Bankruptcies With Devastating Impact on Michigan7 Recent Bankruptcies With Devastating Impact on MichiganNational retailers are filing bankruptcy at a fever pitch. Seven companies that have filed could have a devastating impact on the Michigan economy and jobless rate.Scott ClowScott Clow
Popular Fashion Chain Declares Bankruptcy Closing Stores In MIPopular Fashion Chain Declares Bankruptcy Closing Stores In MIThe iconic fashion retailer with stores across Michigan has announced bankruptcy and the immediate closing of several stores.Lisa MarieLisa Marie
Target Already Announces They Will Be Closed Thanksgiving 2021Target Already Announces They Will Be Closed Thanksgiving 2021The Christmas trees are barely to the curb, and the retailer is laying out their plans for the 2021 holiday season. Lisa MarieLisa Marie
When LOCAL Businesses Reopen Please SUPPORT, BE PATIENT, BE KINDWhen LOCAL Businesses Reopen Please SUPPORT, BE PATIENT, BE KINDThings are not going to be the same. There will be changes and we ask for your patience as we all work to reopen the state.LargeLarge
Governor Whitmer Lifts The Stay At Home Order – Now What?Governor Whitmer Lifts The Stay At Home Order – Now What?Good news for retailers and restaurants, gyms are almost there, but hair salons are still on the outs. LargeLarge