Fully Vaccinated Michigan Couple Contracts COVID-19Fully Vaccinated Michigan Couple Contracts COVID-19A couple in Sterling Heights have received both of their COVID-19 vaccines and tested positive for the coronavirus.Erica GrayErica Gray
Go Green, Go White, Go Get The Vaccine At The PavilionGo Green, Go White, Go Get The Vaccine At The PavilionSpartan students can get the single dose J&J vaccine at the MSU Pavilion starting Friday (April 9th), but YOU DO HAVE TO REGISTER TO SCHEDULE AN APPOINTMENT.LargeLarge
What To Expect at the MSU Pavilion Covid-19 Vaccination SiteWhat To Expect at the MSU Pavilion Covid-19 Vaccination SiteIf this is your vaccination site, we've got pictures and more to help you get prepared to get your Covid-19 vaccine at this drive-thru event. LargeLarge
Lansing Home & Garden Show March 12th - 15th MSU PavilionLansing Home & Garden Show March 12th - 15th MSU PavilionGreat ideas for all your spring projects & enter to win: UPGRADE YOUR GRILL with Gilbert's Hardware & RentalLargeLarge