Father And Son Pull 200+ Electric Scooters From Lansing RiverFather And Son Pull 200+ Electric Scooters From Lansing RiverElectric scooters: a fast and fun way to navigate the city, but are they causing more harm than good? These magnet fishers certainly think so.Tommy McNeillTommy McNeill
Man Finds a Piece of Michigan History While Magnet Fishing in LansingMan Finds a Piece of Michigan History While Magnet Fishing in LansingJoin michiganmagnetman on a magnet fishing adventure in Lansing's rivers! See what treasures lie beneath the water's surface.Kristen MatthewsKristen Matthews
Look What This Guy Found Magnet Fishing in the Red Cedar RiverLook What This Guy Found Magnet Fishing in the Red Cedar RiverYou might be surprised at what was found at the bottom of the Red Cedar River, and how much of it. See what this man found while magnet fishing at Michigan State University.Kristen MatthewsKristen Matthews
10 Unique Things This Michigan Man Has Found While Magnet Fishing10 Unique Things This Michigan Man Has Found While Magnet FishingThere are some odd things in Michigan's waterways as this magnet fisherman is proving. Here are at least 10 unique things he's found so far. Chelsea RoseChelsea Rose
Update: West Michigan Man Reunited With Gift That Was Lost In The Grand RiverUpdate: West Michigan Man Reunited With Gift That Was Lost In The Grand RiverA lost gift found at the bottom of the Grand River has been reunited with its owner.Big Joe PeshBig Joe Pesh
Father And Sons Find A Lost Gift While Magnet Fishing In Grand RapidsFather And Sons Find A Lost Gift While Magnet Fishing In Grand RapidsA father and his three sons found a lost birthday gift in the Grand River while magnet fishing in downtown Grand RapidsBig Joe PeshBig Joe Pesh