Settled by a Squatter - Photos of Clarkston, Michigan: 1900-1922Settled by a Squatter - Photos of Clarkston, Michigan: 1900-1922A squatter came here and built the first "home" in 1830, forming the genesis of Clarkston. Here are some old photos of Clarkston, ranging from 1900-1922...John RobinsonJohn Robinson
Pine Knob and Its Very First Concert, 1972Pine Knob and Its Very First Concert, 1972Recognize this lad? He was Pine Knob's very first concert performer. Check out some Pine Knob info and memorabilia here...John RobinsonJohn Robinson
Michigan's DTE Energy Music Theatre Goes Back to Pine KnobMichigan's DTE Energy Music Theatre Goes Back to Pine KnobPine Knob is back! But, for Michiganders, did it ever really leave?Kristen MatthewsKristen Matthews
Eddie Money’s DTE Show To Be Rebroadcast For FundraiserEddie Money’s DTE Show To Be Rebroadcast For FundraiserEddie Money kicked off summer concerts at DTE for almost 28 years. Lisa MarieLisa Marie