What are the Seven Wonders of Southwest Michigan? They are a combination of places and experiences that make the Kalamazoo area wonderful. But it's not just Kalamazoo.
It's very we missed some amazing spots, so let us know what some of your favorite places to stop on a road trip are and some of the unique foods that go with them.
It has long been urban legend in Michigan that the McManus gravesite in Petoskey and the Witches Ball in Memphis, MI are haunted and appear to move on their own
They've made an announcement that will be bringing them more efficient business, while also staying true to their roots. Rick Fisher recently announced in a YouTube video that they would soon be relocating FAB Magic from Colon to Vicksburg
Marshall, Michigan born author John Bellairs based his highly acclaimed children's book The House With a Clock in Its Walls on the Cronin House which spawned a 2018 Hollywood movie starring Jack Black and Cate Blanchett.