Sanders Bumpy Cake Shortage Hits Michigan! How to Score a SliceSanders Bumpy Cake Shortage Hits Michigan! How to Score a SliceFor the first time in over 100 years, Michigan may find itself in a not-so-sweet situation. Sanders is running out of Bumpy Cakes, and they may disappear for good.Lisa MarieLisa Marie
Turkey Cookies & Cakes Are A Thing This Year – Make It StopTurkey Cookies & Cakes Are A Thing This Year – Make It StopGallery: The good, the bad, the truly ugly, and the ones that won't get you invited back next year.LargeLarge
The History Behind The Michigan-Made ‘Bumpy Cake’The History Behind The Michigan-Made ‘Bumpy Cake’The iconic chocolatey, bumpy piece of heaven started right here in Michigan. Where were you the first time you ever had one? Maitlynn MossolleMaitlynn Mossolle