Deep Space Radio Signal Just Reached Earth, But Who Sent It?Deep Space Radio Signal Just Reached Earth, But Who Sent It?An institute in California continues to search for alien life connected to mysterious radio signals. Rob CarrollRob Carroll
Mysterious Shiny Monolith Has Las Vegas Police Warning HikersMysterious Shiny Monolith Has Las Vegas Police Warning HikersNo one knows how this large, shiny object ended up in the middle of nowhere. Rob CarrollRob Carroll
Alien 'Beings' Used 'Cloaking Device' in Las Vegas NeighborhoodAlien 'Beings' Used 'Cloaking Device' in Las Vegas NeighborhoodNew information has rekindled interest in viral UFO video purported to show aliens landing in a Las Vegas home's yard.Rob CarrollRob Carroll
States Where Aliens Are Most Likely to Land (According to Movies)States Where Aliens Are Most Likely to Land (According to Movies)Some parts of the U.S. are more likely to be visited by aliens than others if movies are any indication of what we can expect from extra-terrestrials. Rob CarrollRob Carroll
Do You Believe? Michigan’s Top Social Media Conspiracy TheoriesDo You Believe? Michigan’s Top Social Media Conspiracy TheoriesMost popular conspiracy theories in Michigan.Maggie MeadowsMaggie Meadows
Creative Hemlock Student Claims Alien Invasion to Get Out of TestCreative Hemlock Student Claims Alien Invasion to Get Out of TestReports spread quickly that Hemlock Public Schools were being invaded by aliens who were obviously not fans of math. Lisa MarieLisa Marie
Mysterious Pyramid in Allegan Can Be Seen From Google EarthMysterious Pyramid in Allegan Can Be Seen From Google EarthAllegan resident Mary Hardy claims her family was visited by extraterrestrials in 1968. Here's why she and her family built a mysterious pyramid in their back yard.Lauren GordonLauren Gordon
ON THIS DAY: 1953 UFO Sighting Makes Jet and Its Crew DisappearON THIS DAY: 1953 UFO Sighting Makes Jet and Its Crew DisappearOne of the most mysterious Michigan UFO encounters took place over Lake Superior On November 23, 1953.MeatballMeatball
Wanna See An Alien? Michigan Named One Of The Top States To See UFOsWanna See An Alien? Michigan Named One Of The Top States To See UFOsLooking to see some little green men? Turns out Michigan has our fair share of UFO sightings.Laura HardyLaura Hardy
20 Remakes and Sequels That Were Better Than the Originals20 Remakes and Sequels That Were Better Than the OriginalsSometimes, sequels and remakes actual surpass their inspiration.ScreenCrush StaffScreenCrush Staff