HAUNTED MICHIGAN: The Straight Farmhouse in Garden City
In Garden City, there’s an old farmhouse that is currently used as a museum, historical society, banquet facility and general store.
Known as the Straight Farmhouse – 6221 Merriman Rd. Garden City – it is also known for being haunted.
The farmland was originally 160 acres when the Straight family arrived in 1831.
The house itself wasn’t built until 1866, the year after the Civil War. As the years went by, members of the family died off while others sold the land in pieces. Finally, in 2004, the Garden City Historical Museum bought the house and property, turning it into what it is today.
As for the paranormal activity, the house is believed to be the home of several ghosts. Anyone who remains in the building after dark gets a feeling of uneasiness for good reason: sounds emanate from different parts of the house when no other mortals are around: bangs, knocks, footsteps, stomping, and creaks.
These spirits have been known to touch unsuspecting visitors and staff members. Paranormal investigators have gathered evidence of faint voices, and photos of ghostly images. Some say they have even come face-to-face with full apparitions. Are these the spirits of long-dead members of the Straight family? Chances are, yes.
Midnight seems to be the time when the supernatural are most active, but occurrences happen at any time of day or night.
You can freely visit the Straight Farmhouse but always ask first if you want to investigate.
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