Spring On Your Mind?
Congratulations we have (almost) made it through another Michigan winter. Spring time will be here soon (-ish). The first day of spring is March 20th, and I am already thinking about gardening.
I am a huge lover of flowers, and once planting season begins you can usually find me at the greenhouse on a daily basis. I love the look of flowers all around my house. My deck is filled with flowers on all different levels.
This year I was thinking of buying some seeds and start planting myself. My question is, the only place I could do this would be to have the plants in the basement. They would get plenty of sunshine but the basement is not the warmest . Should I cover them with plastic wrap?
One of my favorite things is having my hands in the dirt and watching my flowers and vegetables grow. Love Gardening !!
#gardenLover #FreshFood #LovemyFlowers
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