We had great fun in the snow when we were kids: sledding, tobogganing, sliding on the ice...in fact, when I was in elementary school, the maintenance man did something nice for the kids. He would go out to a hill behind the school and drench it with water. When it froze, we had a great hill to slide down – on our butts, our stomachs, and our feet...didn't even need a sled! Of course, doing that is unheard of now...too many complaints and legal charges would arise.

Living in Michigan, we had some great sledding hills...it was a pain to have to walk back up the hill, but going down again was worth it...and we didn't need any “lift” to get us back to the top. Maybe ten seconds to get to the bottom of the hill, and five minutes to walk back to the top.

The sledding pictures in the gallery below might remind you of your own childhood...

Sledding: 1900-1940


Vintage Hamburger Diners and Michigan's First Drive-in Restaurant

Michigan's 19 Smallest Towns (According to the Census, Which Means It's Not Really Accurate)

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