Senior Citizens League Calling for $1,400 Stimulus Checks
Whether you're a senior citizen or not, it costs a lot of money to live these days. When you think about it, you have to pay bills, buy groceries, pay for gas, buy clothes, and so much more just to get by.
And what about people who are still employed and counting on receiving a cost of living raise every year? Let's be honest about that, not everyone will get a cost of living raise for one reason or another.

If you're a senior citizen, then you most likely count on your social security check showing up at least once a month.
Ever since the pandemic began, times have been tough on a lot of people including senior citizens who count on receiving a stimulus check when and if they're being mailed out.
According to mlive.com:
The Senior Citizens League is calling for $1,400 checks for Social Security recipients only. The Virginia-based non-profit has launched an online petition to submit to Congress with the proposal.
The Senior Citizens League is now requesting a fourth round of stimulus checks for senior citizens because the cost of living is on the rise and people need more income.
Expenses always seem to go up and people need the money to survive.
Mlive.com adds:
"Social Security benefits are one of the few types of income in retirement adjusted for inflation. But soaring inflation has taken a toll on house hold finances of retired and disabled Social Security recipients. In 2021 Social Security benefits increased by just 1.3 percent raising the average benefit by only about $20 a month. But about 86 percent of Social Security recipients surveyed say their expenses increased by much more than that amount.
Times are still tough for many senior citizens and I'm sure they could use the extra stimulus money. We'll just have to wait and see what Congress decides to do after they receive the proposal.