His name is Robert Paulsen. Actually he goes by Rob, but I wanted to get any references to Fight Club out of the way. Remember the first rule?

Vanity Fair recently sat down with Detroit, Michigan native Rob Paulsen and in addition to having him give a sample of his most famous character voices, they also placed pictures of new cartoons in front him. Paulsen then brilliantly not only comes up with a couple different versions of the character, but explains the creative process behind it.

Vanity Fair via YouTube
Vanity Fair via YouTube

If you've never seen a voice over artist work, you'll enjoy this video. Pay attention to the way his posture, gestures, and facial expressions morph as he takes on the persona of these new avatars.

The A Brief Introduction of Michigan's Own Rob Paulsen

Rob Paulsen is a Detroit, Michigan native who you wouldn't recognize on the street, unless you are a fan of cartoons. His voice will awaken your inner-child or bring back memories of your kids 'staying busy' after school or on Saturday mornings. Here are just a few of the literal hundreds of cartoons Paulsen has brought life to:

Yakko Warner

Vanity Fair via YouTube
Vanity Fair via YouTube

Carl Wheezer

Vanity Fair via YouTube
Vanity Fair via YouTube


Vanity Fair via YouTube
Vanity Fair via YouTube

Teenage Mutant Turtle Raphael

Vanity Fair via YouTube
Vanity Fair via YouTube

Teenage Mutant Turtle Donatello

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The Improvisational Mind is a Marvel

Watch as in just seconds, Detroit, Michigan's, own Rob Paulsen brings audio animation to life in this video interview from Vanity Fair.

Human Counterparts of Famous Cartoon Characters

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