A Lost Michigan Ghost Town Where Your Car Rolls UP-hill
I've posted this before, but it's always fun to read, and it reminds us all of something different we can do...
It's one of Michigan's many locations where your vehicle seems to roll uphill. This particular one - called “Gravity Road” or “Gravity Hill” - is at an intersection way out in the Michigan boonies, somewhat southwest of Traverse City.
This crossroads is the location of a lost ghost town called Putney Corners. There was a passel of Putney families that lived there, the road was named after them, and an old general store still sits alongside Putney Road.
At the intersection of Putney & Joyfield roads is an area that seemingly defies gravity. If you put your car in neutral, it will appear to begin rolling UP-hill toward Blaine Christian Church. Some locals claim it’s the church itself that is drawing motorists back…
Head north on US 31 and turn left (west) on Joyfield Road (Highway 602), which is approximately 6 miles south of Benzonia. Follow it about three miles until you get to the intersection of Joyfield and Putney Road (Highway 685)…there, on the upper left corner is the Blaine Christian Church…the church that some say draws people’s vehicles toward it. The gravity-defying hill is south of the church, so hang a left and you’re there.Then, drive about 100 feet until it seems you’re at the bottom of the hill (you should still be able to see the stop sign in your rearview mirror); stop, put the car in neutral and let it happen…your car will slowly begin to roll uphill toward the church. If you try this, don’t be stupid about it…there could be other vehicles on the road so you may want to put your flashers on so nobody will collide with you.
Many people have experienced this Michigan oddity and got a kick out of it, but there are a few that were not that impressed. Of course we know it's nothing supernatural, but it is fun to experience. So give it a shot and see if it works for you.
Find out more about the nearby ghost town of Joyfield by CLICKING HERE.
Take a look at the pictures, then watch the video and see this guy's vehicle supposedly coasting back uphill...
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