Peanut Allergies Affect 1 Million Children in the U.S.
According to WILX, more than 1 million children in the United States have to deal with a peanut allergy.
This has been a very serious topic for quite some time now. Many parents pay very close attention to their children who suffer from this allergy.
Now there's a new drug which could combat your child's peanut allergy. With Palforzia, those allergic reactions to peanuts won't be nearly as apparent.
This new drug involves taking small doses of peanut powder and increasing that dose on a monthly basis.
According to an allergy, asthma and immunology specialist in Lansing, peanut allergies can lead to life threatening reactions, trips to the emergency room and a lot of stress for families and kids.
Palforzia, approved by the FDA last week and set to become available this year, can make lives easier for them.
The goal is not to cure them, and let them eat a PB&J sandwich with their lunch, but to minimize any potential reactions that may occur from accidental ingestion.
There will be many more similar treatments down the road for other allergies like egg, milk, and tree nuts.