No Golfing During Stay Home Order
One thing is for sure, I am an avid golf lover. Love being out on the golf course on beautiful sunny days. And I do know that no one is allowed to golf during the stay home order.
Apparently some people have a hard time following safety rules.
Although Governor Whitmer's stay home order allows some outdoor activities, opening a golf course to the public does not fall under the designation of critical infrastructure.
According to the Lansing State Journal, it's a question that has come up often since Whitmer closed all nonessential businesses and ordered people to stay home to slow the spread of COVID-19.
An unidentified man posted a video on YouTube showing golfers at the Country Club of Lansing on Sunday.
Here's the best part, the Lansing Country Club is just one block away from the Governor's Mansion!
By the way, local law enforcement has the responsibility to enforce Whitmer's executive order should they see it being violated at golf courses.
Violating the stay home order is punishable by up to a $1,000 civil fine, a $500 criminal fine and 90 days in jail.