Marijuana Edibles and More New Michigan Laws for 2017
Every year, more new laws are made to confuse us even more...what's right? What's wrong? What's legal? What's illegal? What's borderline? What are the loopholes?
Here are some new Michigan laws for 2017:
1) Amber Alerts may now be issued without a license plate in 2017, in hopes to prevent delays by nitpicky red tape.....and help find missing children quicker and more efficiently.
2) As mentioned earlier, gas prices will increase off and on.
3) Car registration will cost Michiganders a whoppin' 20% more than before.
If you have a hybrid, add another $47 to it.
If you own an electric vehicle, add $135 to it.
4) Minimum wages go up to $8.90 from $8.50. Now you can buy that Porsche.
5) You will legally be able to eat marijuana...according to attorney Matthew Abel from the Cannabis Counsel, there will be various foodstuffs for purchase made from marijuana, including brownies. Before you get too excited, this is specifically for medical marijuana patients who don't like to smoke.
You can read more in-depth info on this from the folks at WXYZ-TV by CLICKING HERE.