Netflix Documentary Has The Internet Going Crazy
I admit, I watch a lot of Netflix. The latest, was a documentary about a family back in the 1970's. My daughter (yes I blame you Austin) said 'Mom you have to watch this program". So I look it up and it is only an hour and a half, so I thought okay I will give it a shot.
Abducted In Plain Sight has to be the weirdest and most bizarre thing I have watched. Through out the program, I kept texting my daughter because I could not believe what I was watching. It was absolutely maddening at times, yet I could not turn it off.
The documentary 'Abducted in Plain Sight' is basically the story of a family back in the seventies that fell prey to a conman/predator/ pedophile. One of the most bizarre show's I have ever watched. The situation in this documentary is so crazy that most of the time I just watched, seriously could not believe what I was hearing and seeing. Other times I was shooting text to my daughter for telling me to watch the show.
I would call it an unbelievable ride to watch.
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