13 Things People Think Once They Move Out of Michigan
We all know someone who has moved outta Michigan...some come back, some don't. maybe YOU are one of 'em who moved. if so, have you ever thought one of the following things?
1) "I can't explain where I'm from without pointing to a place on my hand."
2) "I could sure use a few days up north."
3) "I miss my family."
4) "I miss watching the sunset on Lake Michigan."
5) "I need a day at the beach."
6) "I need to get away into the outdoors."
7) "I wish I could make it to the homecoming game."
8) "There's no place like home."
9) "These people have never heard of a party store?"
10) "What? No Vernor's Ginger Ale?"
11) "Where's the closest Kroger or Meijer store?"
12) "Why doesn't anyone wave at me?"
13) "You think THIS is cold?"
C'mon...SURE you have.
Believe it or not, there's more to this...just CLICK HERE and see pictures and read more about those who move out and miss Michigan from onlyinyourstate.com.