How many times have you walked out of a morning meeting and thought to yourself, "That could have been an email". Despite the fact nothing of substance was covered, you still managed to waste half an hour of your day in another life-sucking gathering of co-workers and you're left with less time to actually do your job.

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How to Increase Productivity in Michigan, No Meeting Required


If you have either felt or vocalized this frustration, it isn't without basis. A new study conducted by the Association for Psychological Science concluded:

can serve to derail individual and organizational effectiveness and well-being by demanding too much of employee's time, sometimes for little or no benefit

To put that very clinical phrase into everyday speak: "Most meetings aren't necessary or effective so quit wasting your team's time". You may be a leader who loves meetings and you're thinking to yourself "Well my meetings aren't a waste of time". Really? Research from Atlassian found that on average, an employee may have up to 62 meetings per month. That's 62 meetings in a 31-day or less time frame. How many of these meetings are about time management?

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In light of this alarming trend, many offices have begun scheduling 'no meeting days'. What was the result? In addition to added time, just one day without a meeting resulted in more effective communication, better team engagement, and overall job satisfaction. Plus of the 76 large companies that have scheduled 'no meeting days', all of them have seen a 40% reduction in meetings.

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So Michigan, let's call the team together for a pow-wow on eliminating meetings, or at least giving us a day without one.

10 Tips to Help Destress After a Long Workday

Here are some effective techniques to help you relax after working all day.

7 Unbelievable Dirty Office Spaces

Imagine you get the phone call you've been waiting for, we're opening back up, everyone can head back to work. Now, as we all know, there have probably been some things that have been left unattended. Like office desks, keyboards, and telephones just to list a few. I know personally, when I was away from the office, the only thing I kept clean was the space I was living in. Now that some people are back to work there are a few places you might want to keep clean, not only for yourself but if you have a home business that requires you to entertain clients, their eyes can spot things that you probably didn't think that some people even pay attention to, like some of the things in this gallery.

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