Michigan’s Longest Garage Sale (180 Miles Long!) Coming This Summer
Are ya itchin' for a garage/yard sale? If so, this will fill the bill! It's “Michigan's Longest Garage Sale”, the weekend of August 14-16!
Alternately called “The US-12 Heritage Trail Garage Sale”, this is a 180-mile stretch from New Buffalo to Detroit. People who live along that route will be roadside with thousands and thousands of merchandise to choose from: old, new, antique, collectables, rarities, household stuff, dvds, cds, comic books, homemade foods...the list goes on.
You don't have to live along that route to have a sales spot of your own. Check out how to rent a space by CLICKING HERE.
Being cooped up for so long, many of us have been waiting for this kind of sale...so here ya go.....we deserve a shopping spree!
It's pure Americana...better than that, it's Pure Michigan!
Check out more on their web page...

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