Lansing a ‘Sanctuary City’ – What are the Pro’s and Con’s?
According to, "The Lansing City Council designated Lansing as a sanctuary city for immigrants living in the U.S. without legal permission Monday evening."
People are definitely on both sides of the fence on this one.....many are happy to add this to Lansing's resume' of being "The Welcoming City" but others are afraid this could also bring in some wrong elements.
President Trump signed an order that says that 'Sanctuary Cities' "willfully violate Federal law in an attempt to shield aliens from removal from the United States."
Mlive also reports "The executive order from (Mayor Virg) Bernero did not designate Lansing as a sanctuary city, but codifies what Bernero told the council is current law enforcement practices for dealing with the immigration status of residents."
Throughout our country, Americans are split down the middle on this one...the arguments include:
1) The American Dream is to succeed in America.
2) America welcomes the tired, the poor, the hungry.
3) "All you need is love."
1) It's an easy way for terrorists to infiltrate.
2) Could create more homelessness.
3) May take jobs away from current workers.
(The above are only a few of the arguments for both sides, not all of 'em.)
To read mlive's article on the council meeting decision, CLICK HERE.
To read how others in Michigan argue the points on this topic, read the mlive article by CLICKING HERE.
One council member was quoted as saying, "I don't think anybody's done Lansing a favor by putting a big old spotlight on our backs...we had no problem...Lansing, Michigan is being punished for being an absolute forerunner for being a welcoming city."
I'm playing neutral as I await your comments.
Where do YOU stand on this?