This Underwater World is Like a Whole Other Universe: Kitch-Iti-Kipi, Michigan
These may possibly be the most crystal-clear, incredible Michigan fresh-water photos you will ever see. Kitch-iti-kipi (“the big cold spring”) is the largest natural freshwater spring in the entire state. It was also nicknamed the “Mirror of Heaven'' by the Ojibwa tribe.
The original residents of the area were Ojibwe families – most of who fled once the Europeans started coming in and settling. Soon, lumber camps popped up in the forests with more than enough lumber to found new villages throughout the Upper Peninsula. With the lumber trade came a vast amount of unwanted timber; the camps used Kitch-iti-kipi as a dump for their excess timber as well as their garbage. The pool of water remained basically hidden and forgotten for many years.
Then, the owner of a Manistique five-and-dime store, John Bellaire, was traveling through the forest when he came across this pool with the crystal-clear waters. He was so enraptured with the place that he began to visit as often as possible. He realized this is a place that should be shared with everyone. He talked the landowners into selling 90 surrounding acres to the State of Michigan for the sole purpose of turning Kitch-iti-kipi into a public park.

40 feet deep
200 feet across
45 degrees year-round
10,000 gallons of spring water pumps every minute
No swimming, fishing, kayaking, or canoeing is allowed
Loaded with large trout
You'll find Kitch-iti-kipi eleven miles north of US-2 near Manistique. There is an observation deck and a raft that you and another can propel yourself. The raft has a glass section so you can see into the clear waters and see the vast amount of trout swimming right underneath your feet. And yes, you'll also see many of the discarded timber that was dumped there over 100 years ago.
These are the most awesome photos of Kitch-iti-kipi I have ever seen, courtesy of Upper Limits Media... the gallery is followed by the video that gives you the full effect of how incredibly spectacular this place is.
The Incredible Underwater World of Kitch-Iti-Kipi
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