My Morning at the 2023 Izzo Run-Walk-Roll, 2023
It was a day at the races – the Izzo Run, Walk, Roll for 2023.
With a too-small commemorative shirt huggin' my gut, I arrived at what looked like the biggest crowd at one of these annual walks. The participants were lined up wayyy down the sidewalks as they waited for the countdown.
As usual the runners kicked it off...that way they don't run over and knock down the walkers...the walkers started once all the runners went by.
And then, my favorite...the ½ mile walk (“The Virtual Izzo” is my second favorite walk, as you can take your time at your own pace...and not finish until a week later, if you wanted).
My number was “1784”, which was prophetic - that's about how I finished. I knew I wouldn't win this one...but it's never about winning. It's about raising money for local charities...and you got to pick the charity where you would like your donation sent.
My favorite parts? Seeing an old friend & work buddy and hearing the band play the “Dudley Do-Right" theme.....I dug it!
They almost reached their goal today, reaching $44,948 out of a hopeful $50,000 – still a good showing.
After I left the race, I still had my race sign...when asked what my sign was, I said “Tom Izzo's my sign”...and I referred them to the Rolling Stones song where they sing that same line (wink...some of you will get it).
Anyway, it was nice to see the people who turned out on a day that was MUCH warmer than last year's race!