Tourists flock to Michigan every year, but Ranker lists one of the state's attractions as one of the 10 worst tourist traps in the nation.

Are they right?

Mackinac Island
Mackinac Island. Photo via Canva

Is Mackinac Island a Tourist Trap?

According to voters at Ranker, Michigan's Mackinac Island is the 10th-worst tourist trap in the whole country.

RELATED: See How Google Maps Surveyed Mackinac Island Without a Car

Hold on just a minute! Why would they say such a thing? We love Mackinac Island!

A cursory review through some online reviews reveals that not everyone has the same experience.

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Ranker's slam on Mackinac Island includes a Facebook user by the name of Ivan who had a bad experience with his rental unit, hated the mosquitoes, and lamented how far you had to go to get to anything if you didn't have a bicycle or horse taxi. (Cars, of course, are prohibited on Mackinac Island.)

Mackinac Island
Mackinac Island. Photo via Canva

An anonymous poster to the dcurbanmom blog had this to say:

Mackinac Island is fun for kids (taking the ferry over, biking around), but it's definitely a tourist trap. ... The path that follows the perimeter of the island is usually very crowded with bikers, horses, etc., and if your kids are new-ish riders it's not as fun.

But not everyone's a naysayer.

Plenty of People Absolutely Love Mackinac Island

The couple who runs the YouTube channel Wanderlocal Travel Family explored Mackinac Island themselves just to see whether it was worth a visit or, in fact, just another tourist trap. They rented a horse and buggy, got lost while tandem biking, and even had high tea at the island's storied Grand Hotel. They did all the things. Spoiler alert: they didn't think it was a "tourist trap" at all - so take that, Ranker!

The 5 Craziest Tourist Traps in the Midwest

Here Are Some Michigan Destinations That Are Less Touristy

We all need a little vacation from it all, right? The worst part is, Michigan is home to tons of tourists traps. Here are nine locations you can check out that will have fewer people than Mackinac would.

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