What weapons are illegal in Michigan?
There are items that I didn't even know could be used as weapons that are illegal in Michigan.
When most people think of weapons, their minds immediately go to guns and knives. Some of you crazy people may think of bombs. However, the list of illegal weapons in Michigan is a plethora of different and dangerous items. Some of which I would've never considered a weapon in the first place. Let's start with the obvious items that are included in The Michigan Penal Code (Excerpt) Act 328 of 1931.
Illegal Weapons in Michigan
Machine Gun or any gun that shoots more than one shot automatically.

Silencer or muffler. This one is self-explanatory.
A slungshot, metallic knuckles, or bludgeon. I had to look up what a slungshot is. It seems medieval.
A bomb or bombshell.
A Blackjack, Billy Club, or Sand Club.
Sandbags. This one was by far the most confusing for me. There are a couple of reasons why someone could be charged with a felony for having a sandbag. If they are using the sandbag as a rifle rest or if they use a sandbag like the medieval times and drop it on someone's head with the intention to harm. Important note: The previous explanation is my theory as there is no explanation in the penal code.
The manufacture, sale, or possession of the items listed above could result in felony weapons charges. Get more information on the official Michigan Legislation website by clicking here.
Legal/Illegal Weapons in Indiana
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