WOW: Look Inside This Abandoned Grocery Store In Mid-Michigan
WARNING: Under no circumstances should you enter this property. By doing so you risk bodily harm and/or prosecution for trespassing on private property.
The store at one point offered the small community a shop to go to instead of heading 30 minutes away. Today, Dollar General is the only store that remains in the community, minus the ghost structure of this once was store.
The closest big retail stores near the community of Stockbridge, reside in Jackson, Mason and Fowlerville. Quite the drive to grab an ingredient you couldn't find at a Dollar General. But the small community has two Dollar Generals settled in the community today.
The Abandoned Ransims Of Stockbridge, Michigan
The structure that stands today was erected in 1963, and served the Stockbridge community for years, up until the later 2010s.
Towards its end, the store was struggling and seemed to have some expired foods that would stay on the shelves longer than they should have.
Today, all that remains is a skeletal structure that doesn't hold much life, and looks like it needs some up-keep for a future business to call this location home.
Take a look below of what remains of this grocery store.
Look Inside This Abandoned Grocery Store In Mid-Michigan
If you like what you saw and are interested in purchasing the property, it is for sale today on the market.
You can take a look at the listing, here.
As it stands, the property is on the market for $500,000, which seems fair for the state of the building and some of the renovations that would need to be done to do some upkeep.
Have you ever shopped at Ransoms before? What were your experiences while you were at the store?