Editor's Note - While this has been shared widely on social media, the campaign has been proven to be a hoax that has hit several public works departments.


Make all the jokes you want about Michigan streets and highways but the freeze-thaw cycle is a real thing and absolutely destroys our roads.

The village of Edwardsburg has come up with an innovative way to combat potholes.

Before you can fix a pothole, though, you need to know where the potholes are. That's where an active and informed citizenry comes it.

The village has asked residents on social media to 'show us your hole.' Meaning send a pic of a pothole on your street that needs repair. Get your mind out of the gutter, er, pothole. It's not like the post was filled with double entendre or anything.

Things got frisky in the comments as you might imagine.

You gonna at least take em on a date first!?

I have SEEN the crews that work on Edwardsburg holes and I'll stick to Grindr

Several gaping holes out here in Allegan county that need filling… might never be able to adequately fill these holes due to the high mileage and constant plowing

Is this limited to one hole or can multiple be filled ? Asking for a friend of course

If you've never visited the village and are up for a good time, Edwardsburg is in southern Cass County just a few miles from the Indiana border at the corner of M-62 and US-12. The village likely has much more pull towards neighboring South Bend and Elkhart than Michigan.

Did anyone take the village up on their offer? It appears so, check out some of the pothole pics (all appear safe for work!) that were uploaded a day after the initial Show Us Your Hole request. The pics are all sufficiently memed out with famous characters and the local Edwardsburg High School mascot, the Eddie.

The campaign is a bit of a gag by several municipal pages on Facebook.

MDOT's Michigan Interstate Construction Projects 2024

The following are the Michigan Department of Transportation's (MDOT) INTERSTATE projects for 2024, including start and estimated completion timeframes, impact, and cost.

Gallery Credit: Scott Clow

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