Is Your Family Being Torn Apart by the COVID-19 Pandemic?
I think it's safe to say that there are several ways to look at this. One example that comes to mind is wearing your mask. How many times have you argued with family members about wearing their masks or social distancing just to focus on safety measures?
These types of arguments happen quite often during these unsure and difficult times. Why? Because not everyone is on the same page when it comes to doing the right thing.
According to USA Today:
The long-term impacts of the coronavirus on our bodies, our brains, on society, won't be fully understood for years. One of the most unsettling questions is how the pandemic has changed our relationships with people we love but who we've disagreed with on the threat of COVID-19 and the steps necessary to stay safe.
Sometimes it just boils down to understanding how other people feel and just hearing them out.
What's that old saying, we agree to disagree! That may be true, but how do you handle things when you're trying to stay safe and hope others are following in your foot steps?
USA Today tells us this:
Conversations around COVID can get heated. It's easy to get angry or defensive. It's important to stay calm and ask questions about what's driving the other person's behavior. The goal is to help meet a person's needs in a way that both people are comfortable with, and to make room for compromise.
It's fine to carry on a calm discussion with a family member or even a friend about how you are feeling. Setting boundaries and just communicating in a positive manner can go a long way.
Relationships are not easy and sometimes it takes a lot of work. If both people are willing to work at whatever the subject matter is, the better off they'll be in the long run.