Be Alert Michigan: How to Spot the Signs of Human Trafficking
WARNING: This article talks about a topic that could be uncomfortable for some but, the more people educate themselves on Michigan's startling human trafficking statistics and the signs to look for to report it, the faster it can be eliminated.
There are a lot of different crimes that are considered evil, but none more so than human trafficking. Michigan unfortunately has the 5th highest instances of human trafficking in the United States. One of the many alarming issues surrounding this type of activity is that it can be done right in front of you, but not being familiar with the signs it will go unnoticed.

The Different Types of Human Trafficking in Michigan
There are two kinds of human trafficking recognized in the State of Michigan:
- Sex Trafficking
- Victims of human trafficking in bondage through force, fraud, or coercion, for the purpose of sex exploitation
- Labor Trafficking
- Victims of human trafficking in bondage through force, fraud, or coercion, for the purpose of labor exploitation
The Michigan Attorney General's Human Trafficking Unit was formed in 2011 and provides updates on prosecutions of those found guilty of this disgusting crime.
For more information on how to report human trafficking or escape, visit the National Human Trafficking Hotline website or click here.
Michigan's Human Trafficking Statistics
Wisevoter.com took an in-depth look at Michigan's human trafficking statistics from 2021, and the results were unsettling:
- Human Trafficking Cases: 295 (#5 in the United States)
- Human Trafficking Victims: 429 (#7 in the United States)
- Cases Identified as Sex Trafficking: 238 (#5 in the United States)
- Cases Identified as Labor Trafficking: 18 (#16 in the United States)
What makes Michigan a hotbed for Human Trafficking? WiseVoter.com offered this explanation:
Michigan's proximity to the Canadian border, major metropolitan areas, and transportation routes contribute to its vulnerability to trafficking.
WiseVoter.com's data matches the National Human Trafficking Hotline's 2021 report, and the hotline offers more information on what venues were most used for sex trafficking in 2021:
- Hotel/Motel Based: 30
- Residence-Based Commercial Sex: 27
- Pornography: 20
- Illicit Massage/Spa Business: 16
- Online Ad Venue Unknown: 15
- Hostess/Strip Club-Based: 3
- Other: 127
The National Human Trafficking Hotline does what it can to track venues as well as how contacts heard about their services but, they aren't always able to collect that information during every conversation.
For more information on how to report human trafficking or escape, visit the National Human Trafficking Hotline website or click here.
Michigan Tips to Help Identify Human Trafficking
The Michigan Attorney General's Office offers these tips to spot human trafficking:
If you suspect something is wrong, ask yourself these questions:
- Are there bruises or other signs of physical abuse?
- Are there signs of psychological abuse?
- Is the person submissive or fearful?
- Is the person being controlled?
- Is the person being deprived of food, water, sleep, medical care, or other life necessities?
- Is the person allowed to be in public alone?
- Can the person freely contact friends or family?
- Is the person a minor engaged in commercial sex?
- Does a minor appear to be in a relationship with a much older person?
- Does the person fear his or her employer?
- Can the person leave their job situation if they want?
- Has someone threatened the person's family?
If you or someone you know is in immediate danger, call 911. Report any human trafficking or suspected behavior to The National Human Trafficking Hotline:
- Phone: 888-373-7888
- Email: help@humantraffickinghotline.org
- Text: 233733
For more information on how to report human trafficking or escape, visit the National Human Trafficking Hotline website or click here.
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