How Will MSU Manage Coronavirus on Campus
According to the Lansing State Journal, "Michigan State University officials have laid out their plans for managing the coronavirus pandemic on campus this fall."
Here's the part that starts immediately, masks will be required, tests will be available and it will be up to everyone to keep MSU's campus safe.
If you remember, MSU President Stanley wrote the following email to all students on July 16. "We know decisions to wear masks and maintain physical distancing can have a positive impact on the health of our students, colleagues, instructors, loved ones and friends." (LSJ)
My wife works for MSU and they have zoom and teams meetings at least once if not twice every week to discuss details on how MSU will continue to manage coronavirus on campus.
For the students who do return this fall, campus will be somewhat different. For example:
Akers Hall will be coronavirus isolation housing. If a student tests positive for COVID-19, they will be asked to quarantine in isolation housing at Akers Hall, or back at their homes.
Communal spaces will be redesigned for social distancing. We all know that social distancing means to stay at least 6 feet apart. In this case, spaces which will include laundry and study rooms, will have revised occupancy limits set up for social distancing.
Another example:
If you have COVID-19 symptoms, you can get a test at Olin Health Center. "Students with symptoms must call Olin Health Center for an assessment and testing." (LSJ)