High Five Turkey Drive to Help Over 6,000 Families
Every year, the IRA Turkey Drive Committee pledges to put a turkey on the Thanksgiving table of more than 6,000 families throughout Michigan and Ohio that may not otherwise enjoy this special meal.
According to WILX-TV 10, since 1980, MIRA and its members have provided thanksgiving turkeys to needy families and each year the list of charitable groups asking for turkeys grows. We need your help please!
Thanksgiving is a time to reflect, give thanks, and help those who are less fortunate. We are asking you to pitch in. A $300 donation to the MIRA Turkey Drive will provide turkeys for 20 families.
This is a charitable event and all donations are tax deductible. This year's goal is 1100 turkeys. To donate to the 2018 event, call MIRA at 1-800-666-6233. Please click on the above link for more information.
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