HAUNTED MICHIGAN: The Entire Mackinac Island
Okay, so what ARE the haunted spots on Mackinac Island?
The question should be: 'What AREN'T haunted spots on Mackinac Island?" The entire island has been deemed as haunted, since there have been so many sightings, and paranormal activities.
The island was home to Native Americans hundreds of years ago, WAYYY before the white man took it over. The War of 1812 had a couple of battles on the island, killing many, becoming only a fraction of the island's haunted history.
Many deaths occurred, thanks to the weather, capsized boats, sinking ships, sickness, battles and more. Here's a list of a few haunted spots on the island:
The Grand was evidently built over an old cemetery with so many dug up skeletons, the excavators lost count. Legend says that the construction crew basically said, "screw this" and gave up on removing the bodies, instead building the Grand over the whole thing. Thus brings the tales of unsettled spirits that walk the grounds of - and inside - the Grand Hotel.
The Grand is also said to house an evil, black entity with red, glowing eyes. This mass was experienced by a maintenance man who noticed the shadowy shape hovering over the hotel's theater stage; it rushed toward him, knocking him down. The maintenance man refused to ever go back.
Other ghosts that have been spotted are men, women, boys & girls, wearing Victorian clothing of the 1800's...not just in the hotel, but in the hotel employee housing and on the grounds as well.
This famous island fort seems to be home to many ghosts: soldiers (seen marching down Rifle Ridge Trail), Native Americans, civilians and children. The children died from diseases like tuberculosis and typhoid fever and can be heard sobbing. Household objects move and furniture gets re-arranged, severed arms & legs are seen stacked in bloody piles that disappear, and when the sun rises, sometimes you can hear the ghostly sounds of a fife player that comes from nowhere.
This one is said to be the most active building on the island. It's haunted by a ghost named Harvey, a student who died in the 1960's. Harvey was jilted by his girlfriend so he decided to end it all by going behind the resort and shooting himself...it took half a year before his body was found. To this day, Harvey has been known to openly touch & pinch females who visit the resort's theater.
Many other ghosts reside at Mission Point including the usual native Americans, a girl who can be heard searching for her parents and a woman who can be heard singing.
This place has a female apparition that is referred to as the "woman in white" that peeks in windows and wanders the grounds. Sometimes a female figure in red is seen as well.
Unknown by some Michiganians, there were witch trials in Michigan, notably, Mackinac Island. There was a place that is called the "Drowning Pool" where women suspected of being witches were taken and tortured by dunking until they admitted practicing witchcraft. Other suspects had heavy rocks bound to their feet and were thrown
in the pool...if they sank, they were innocent...but they ended up dead anyway. The location of the former Drowning Pool is between the Mission Point Resort and the downtown area. It's recognizable by it's 20-foot drop. This spot is haunted by the innocent women who perished there at the hands of ignorant, superstitious men...dark shapes have been seen coming out of the water, leaving no wake or ripple.
These are just a tip of the iceberg...other haunted areas on the island include:
It's an island jam-packed with a haunted history.
Sometime spend a night on the island. ANYWHERE.
The chances are excellent you may experience some unexplainable incident of your own.
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