Gas Prices Continue to Drop in Michigan
Usually when we mention that gas prices have dropped, it jinxes things and the prices suddenly shoot up by about twenty cents and I'm really hoping that doesn't happen because I need to fill up today. According to a report from AAA, gas prices in Michigan have dropped 11 cents compared to last week.
AAA says that drivers in Michigan are now paying an average of $2.34 per gallon for regular unleaded and that price "is 29 cents less than this time last month and 4 cents more than this time last year." The most expensive gas price averages are in Ann Arbor and Marquette where the average price is $2.42 per gallon. The least expensive average is in Traverse City where the average price is $2.25 a gallon. However, according to GasBuddy (as of 8 am on 2/10/2020) there are many places in the Lansing area that are selling a gallon of regular unleaded for $2.09.

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