The Lighthouse That Possibly Witnessed Most Shipwrecks: Crisp Point, Michigan
Crisp Point Lighthouse is located about 14 miles west of the Upper Peninsula's Whitefish Point on Lake Superior.
Even before the lighthouse was built, wrecks were in the 20-25-mile vicinity, with many, many recorded sinkings beginning in 1858 and up thru 1975 with the wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald. There is evidence of other wrecks pre-1858 as well.
Built in 1875, the lighthouse began operating in 1876. At the time, it was known as “Life Saving Station Number Ten”. On October 3, 1878, Christopher Crisp became the lighthouse keeper. In 1883, the numbers system was changed for the Michigan lighthouses, and Number 10 was re-named “Crisp” after its keeper.
On March 18, 1890, Crisp was discharged from his keeper duties. Reasons unknown.

One of the tragedies that occurred near Crisp Point happened not long after Crisp was relieved of his duties. The schooner Atlanta sank 20 miles from Crisp Point on May 4, 1891. The captain and crew of seven got into a lifeboat and headed toward Crisp Point. As they approached, the boat capsized and three crew members drowned. The others hung onto the boat clinging on for life, as the lifesaving crew at Crisp Point was busy eating dinner. Finally, a local resident alerted the lifesaving crew about the trouble and they rushed into the water to rescue the remaining two. The captain and another had lost their grip and drowned, the captain's body not found for two and a half weeks. The other crew member's body wasn't found for over two months.
As for the lighthouse lookout, he was fired for failing to notice the lifeboat in distress.
58 feet tall
Concrete foundation ten feet deep
1906 service room
Lifesaving station
Lifesaver quarters
Lighthouse keeper house
Fog signal building
Oil house
Two barns
The boathouse, barn, oil house and two outbuildings have since been demolished.
It's not a simple drive to the lighthouse, as it's dirt roads all the way - but it sure is a beautiful sight once you get there. Here are a few photos.....
Crisp Point Lighthouse
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