College and Fans Stand Behind Bullied Boy
A bullied Florida child who was so excited for his school's college colors was crushed when the day did not turn out as planned. ABC news reports the youngster was talking with his teacher and said he wanted to wear his favorite college's t-shirt, but he did not have one. His favorite team is the University of Tennessee, and he's a very young and loyal fan. His teacher Laura Snyder worked with the young boy and the 2 came up with a plan for his shirt. Every day leading up to the game, the young boy told his teacher that he had an orange shirt he was going to wear. He was beyond excited.
So, the day finally arrives and the little guy came to school wearing his orange shirt with a drawing on paper of the letters U.T pinned to his shirt.
ABC News reports the teacher said the boy came back to her class after lunch and he put his head on his desk and was crying. Apparently a table of girls in the lunchroom made fun of his shirt, and he was devastated.
Taking things into her own hands the teacher made some calls and went to the internet to see if she had any connections to the University of Tennessee to help make the shirt she planned to get him a little more special. Oh things got a lot more than just a little special. The University of Tennessee had the young boys design made official by the school and demand for the product was so high that it crashed the University's website.
The University of Tennessee ended up sending the young boy and his entire class a care package of merchandise from the school. Teacher Laura Snyder said when her student got to hand out the gifts to his classmates. She was crying tears of joy and the young fan was just over the moon.
Check out more on this story on ABC News.
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