Coach Izzo’s Temper Showed Up On The Court
It was a win for the Michigan State Spartans on Thursday afternoon, a little close for my taste, But we did win over Bradly 76 to 65. The Spartans now advance to the next round where they will face the Minnesota Golden Gophers Saturday evening.
After the win, many fans were talking about Coach Izzo and how he 'lost in on the court' screaming at Freshman player forward Aaron Henry. At one point Coach got so heated that Cassius Winston separated the two.
Izzo said "what's wrong with challenging a kid that makes some mistakes?'. this after the Spartans won. Izzo went on "Aaron Henry..trust me..did some things that you can't do as a starter on a top 5 team at the end of your freshman year." "I did get after him" Coach said, "He did respond, but that's not good enough '. " Its one and done time and those 'my bad's are out the window.
Henry said, after scoring 8 points against Bradly, "I've heard worse from him, and I've got it worse at practice before.
Coach Izzo said that he was upset with Henry for not giving his full effort at one point in the second half. Cassius Winston, said he felt he could get the message across to Henry better than Coach, adding that the yelling did not seem to be working. So he asked Coach Izzo, what it was he wanted me to tell him.
In Coach Izzo's defense and quoting a sports analyst, 'When you are recruited, you know who you will be playing for, and Coach Izzo is fiery."
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