Christmas Stocking Stuffer Ideas
The Christmas clock is running and if you wait for the last minute for stocking stuffers ou might be running to.
My family goes Christmas crazy, always have. From the day we go and cut down the christmas tree right through to the actual day of Christmas things tend to be, well a bit over the top but that is just how I like it. I still look at the season through the eyes of a child, from the awe and excitement of outdoor lights to the stockings that are 'hung by the chimney with care."
Everyone at our house for the holidays gets a Christmas stocking, no exception. The fun part is filling the stockings with fun and not-so-expensive gifts. Just about any store from convenience store to upscale retailer can hold a selection of fun stocking stuffers.
Some examples:
Macy's - has many items that are priced under $50 dollars. Urban Decay make-up setting spray $15 dollars, Frango Chocolates $10 dollars or even an electronic bottle opener for $30 dollars.
Keans in Mason - Not only does this store offer the old fashioned candy counter where you can purchase sweets for your stocking stuffers, they offer everything from super cute egg times to beautiful sweaters and purses. They have great options for every price rangee
Etsy - The e-commerce website focuses on handmade or vintage items and craft supplies. I personally bought some drinking themed t-shirts that were made by ' Created by Hope', and some Christmas tree pictures that were made out of beach glass.
Van Atta's - Yes you may have gone therre to get your flats of flowetrs in the spring, but they have so much more. The greenhouse has, of course, great gardening items, but they also offer beautiful Christmas ornaments, Christmas Cactus, purses, scarves and clothes. I bought a really cute navy jacket there a few years ago, love it and I still get compliments on it.
Polka Dots - Located in Old Town yes they have amazing sweaters, dresses, coats purses and more. Polka Dots also has a lot of items that would be perfect as a stocking stuffer plus they have a store dog which I love.
Stocking stuffers are fun for kids of all ages, and the one thing that my Mom always puts in a stocking....everybody gets a new toothbrush for Christmas.
Happy Shopping!!