Census Workers Are Visiting Michigan Homes Now
Friday afternoon (August 7th) I returned home to find what appeared to be a little note stuck in my door jam.
It's odd because they just leave packages now and usually a sticker for a more important delivery I have to sign for.
I did just move so I wondered if the neighbors were writing to let me know that my singing sounded like I was strangling a cat and they were concerned.
Nope. The Census folks had been here. And they wanted...no, NEEDED to talk to me. They want to complete an interview for my household.
And the pressure is on.
Previously, the deadline was in October. But as of earlier this week, President Trump and his administration moved it up to September 30th.
The U.S. Census Bureau is ending all counting efforts for the 2020 census on Sept. 30, a month sooner than previously announced, the bureau's director confirmed Monday in a statement. That includes critical door-knocking efforts and collecting responses online, over the phone and by mail. (NPR)
There is extreme concern on not having enough time to get the job done.
With the Trump administration’s decision to end the 2020 census count four weeks early, the Census Bureau now has to accomplish what officials have said it cannot do: accurately count the nation’s hardest-to-reach residents — nearly four of every 10 households — in just six weeks. (NY Times)
Thus, the notice on my door. And chances of them knocking on yours soon as well.
If you haven't filled out the 2020 Census yet, you can do the following.
10 minutes, 9 questions, online HERE.
Even the governor can do that.
Or you can call, 1-844-330-2020. Sunday through Saturday. 7 a to 2 a ET.
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