Jim Mishler

Consumers Energy Rate Hike Kicks In This Month
Typical residential customers can expect an increase of almost $7.00 a month.

Lockdown Ordered For 30 Residential Buildings In East Lansing
Residents at the 7 rental buildings and 23 fraternity and sorority houses are only allowed to leave to receive medical care or to obtain items that cannot be delivered. No doubt, someone is watching.

U of M Student Instructors Strike Over Virus And Law Enforcement
Graduate student instructors at the University of Michigan are on strike today. University administrators say the action is illegal and also violates their contract.

VP Pence To Visit Traverse City Friday
The Vice President is scheduled to arrive in Traverse City on Friday afternoon for a Make America Great Again event at the Cherry Capital Airport.

Area State Prison COVID-19 Cases Increase
Lakeland Correctional Facility in Coldwater has a current prisoner population of 1,442. As of this week, 815, or 56 percent of the prisoners being held there, have tested positive for the virus.

Firearms And Ammo In Short Supply
The demand for personal protection weapons has skyrocketed. Not just in this area, but nationwide.

Dream Cruise Replaced By MAGA Classic Car Cruise
A couple of suburban police departments placed signs along the route reminding people it was an unofficial and unsupported event.

Pepperoni Lovers May Cry About All This
Sadly, it’s the smaller individually owned pizza shops and smaller community multi restaurant chains most affected.

Another Triple-E Case In Michigan
It is one of the most dangerous mosquito-borne diseases in the U.S. The death rate for people who contract the encephalitis and become ill from it is 30 percent.

Deadline Looming For School To Submit Reopening Plans
Time is running out on schools. They’re are required to have a reopening plan set up by this Saturday the 15th and submitted to the state.