Thousands of Full Water Bottles Abandoned at This Deserted School: Flint, Michigan 2018
WARNING: Under no circumstances should you enter this property. By doing so you risk bodily harm and/or prosecution for trespassing on private property.
How did all these full bottles of water get in this abandoned school? Hundreds – probably thousands of them were left behind.
This used to be the St. Agnes Catholic Church on Pierson Road in Flint. After explorers found room after room full of these bottles, it was reported to authorities and asked why.

It seems during Flint's water crisis in 2015, fundraisers were held and radio stations asked for clean water donations. Truck after truck of bottled water were filled and brought to the former school where they were all stored: in former classrooms, down the long halls, in offices, etc.
The idea worked for a while, as volunteers passed out water to those in need. But then Flint shut down their water distribution sites in 2018 and that was it. From then on, all the water that was not handed out remained in the building for years.
In the four years that passed, trespassers kept getting in to explore and subsequently vandalize...don't know if they took any water or not – if they did, they might have gotten sick. Flint Building and Safety Inspections called the old school a “hazard and a nuisance as a dangerous structure and/or structure unfit for human occupancy" and it was also determined that the water left behind was now contaminated.
In 2022 it was ordered for the public to stay out and in doing so, changed the locks.
The fate of the building? Not known yet.
Take a look at the inside of the old school and see the thousands of water bottles for yourself...
Deserted St. Agnes School in Flint
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