More than likely, you’ve paid a visit – or more –  to Potter Park Zoo…but have you ever taken the time to learn a little something about it?

The zoo will be celebrating it’s 100th birthday in 2020; the first animal to be transferred to the zoo were elks in 1920, thus beginning the snowball effect that brought in more animals that turned the park into a zoo. Following the elks were deer, raccoons and a bear.

Even though the zoo began in 1920, the land actually became a park in 1915 when J.W. Potter and his wife donated over 50 acres of land to the City of Lansing. Through the 1920’s, more land was donated, making the popular park larger.

The Bird & Reptile House was completed in 1929, followed in the 1930’s by the Lion House and Monkey Island.

More animals and construction came and went and in 1979, possibly the zoo’s most famous resident, Tombi the Elephant was purchased and brought to the zoo.

These facts are just a tip of the iceberg of what made Potter Park what it is…and in another year we’ll be celebrating 100 years.

When I was in grade school OH SO MANY YEARS AGO, we took a field trip to the zoo…what a great time the class had!

Find out more by reading Potter Park Zoo’s timeline of events on their website by CLICKING HERE.

Then go visit!!!


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