If you read my posts, you know that I encourage people to take roadtrips throughout Michigan to see all the great hidden, unseen, unknown and forgotten parts of our state.

If you wanna take a roadtrip as part of a group, there's a seven-day cruise-in comin' up that'll take you on Michigan's Old US-27, from Coldwater to Cheboygan. You'll see many old, historic Michigan spots and enjoy the Michigan countryside that you probably missed or have never even seen before!

There will be plenty of Classic Cars at many cruise-ins you'll be stoppin' at on your way north...but, as I am told, you DON'T need to drive a Classic Car to join this cruise. Drive whatever ya got.

This could be your last blast before summer's over. So, if you wanna see the entire Old US-27 Cruise itinerary, get more details on the cruise by CLICKING HERE.
See photo gallery above for a handful of shots from past cruises.

(Of course, if you choose to go it alone or with a friend, that is encouraged as well. The point is to travel this historic Michigan route and enjoy the towns, countryside and little oddities along the way.)


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