Next year  - 2017 - marks 40 years of another historic landmark event that occurred in Ingham County.

It was in March 1977 that the events in Dansville took place which became known throughout the country as "The Burning Bed."

One night, Francine Hughes, a battered & abused housewife for over twelve years, took her children out to the car and told them she'd be right back; she proceeded to go back into the house, pour gasoline around and on the bed of her sleeping, abusive husband, Mickey - and set it on fire. Mickey died in the blaze.

The story and court case spread throughout the country and a 1984 made-for-TV movie (starring Farrah Fawcett) made the story even more famous.....and helped raise awareness for battered wives and domestic violence

The house burned to the ground and nothing has ever been rebuilt on the property (see picture above).

The town of Dansville has coped with this notoriety for 40 years now, and has had to deal with 'sightseers,' the morbidly curious, the obnoxious thrill-seeking kids, 'ghost-hunters' and worst of all: THE MEDIA.

Unfortunately for the town, it'll probably take many more years for the outside activity to die down and for memories to grow too old to remember...or care. But it could continue to be a draw for future generations who look for cheap kicks.

To read an extensive article and see many pictures from the Lansing State Journal, CLICK HERE.

For a second article take found on the Great Lakes Review site, CLICK HERE.

Mickey is buried in Oaklawn Cemetery in Stockbridge.

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